Can fat/overweight people kayak? 13 Things you need to know

After kayaking/canoeing for years as a larger guy, and going with other larger people……I picked up a few things I wish I knew beforehand. Rather than let this knowledge go to waste, I decided to write this up for you guys. Hope you enjoy!!

Note: Some of these tips, might seem obvious…..Others…..not so much.

#1 If you’re going to rent call first before you do – there might be a weight limit.

This is of course, super important before doing almost anything as a larger person…..but some of the companies have some seriously restrictive weight limits. So be aware.

Also when you call, make sure to go ahead and ask about their canoes and other equipment as well. Many places will have other stuff for larger riders. Canoes in general can carry much higher weights than kayaks.

#2 If the lower half of your body is larger, you might have problems fitting in the seat.

Me personally, I keep a lot of my weight in the upper half of my body. For those of you who do not, be aware this can be an issue. Most of the time this is not however for many people. Even obese people. Just be aware of this in case you, or the person you’re kayaking with may have this issue. You can always choose a canoe instead. Kayaks tend to have smaller seats and just aren’t generally as comfortable as a kayak for larger people.

If you’re nervous about this, there are measurements for just about any kayak/canoe you can find online. So if you want you can always check there before calling anywhere and asking.

#3 If you’re renting – call and find out if they are open or closed kayaks

This can be very important because closed kayaks are seriously hard to fit in for larger people. I hate to say it, but it is very unlikely for a larger person to fit in one of these. If you’re renting call and make sure that this is not the case and that the kayaks are open. If they’re closed you’ll need to find out dimensions. If they don’t have them on hand ask for the model of kayak and you can look them up online. Basically every size of kayak can be found online. Only problems are with old models.

#4 You’re going to need/want to ask for a backrest –

Many places will not automatically give you one when you rent, you have to ask for them. This to me seems kind of strange, because they’re insanely useful. Trust me, your back will hurt pretty quickly if you don’t get one……so try and make sure you get one or you’ll have a hard time after ten minutes or so trust me. When you row it gets hard on your back.

#5 Do NOT go where there is even slightly small waves –

This might sound self explanatory, but it wasn’t for me. If you fall off it is EXTREMELY HARD TO GET BACK UP. If you’re in a group it’s very embarrassing. Been there, done that…..don’t want to do it again.

Do it somewhere calm, there are cover and areas in the ocean that are calm…….but a lake is your safest bet. Which actually brings me to my next thing. 

#6 Watch out for boats going by – 

Like I said before, it’s really hard for a larger person to get back inside of their kayak. Since many of us have a higher center of gravity, it’s much easier for us to topple over. For most people toppling over isn’t a big deal……but to a larger person who has to go all the way to the shore just to get back in……it can be annoying.


This is super important, because like I said before…….it’s so easy to get knocked off as a larger person……and SUPER hard to get back on.

In this video below he does a great job of explaining the best way to kayak by a boat.

#7 Consider a canoe instead – 

You might think that a kayak will be more fun, but as a larger person I think a canoe is a way better choice.

You get more room, and you don’t have to constantly worry about balance………or capsizing your craft (which sucks). You don’t have to worry about getting in or out either, which can be a HUGE pain. It’s seriously so hard to do. 

They’re surprisingly easy to maneuver as well, admittedly they’re not as fast……but you won’t notice this very much I promise (I’ve been doing this awhile.)

You can also get stabilizers for canoes as well, and those are absolutely INSANE how well they’ll keep you upright. If you’re just starting out those’ll make riding stress free and a blast for you because you won’t have to worry about balancing very much at all.

Seriously, at the very least consider doing a canoe. If you’re renting, ask to try one out beforehand…’ll probably like them more.

Plus, you can carry other peoples stuff in them………you can ride more than one person……the benefits are endless lol.

#8 If you decide to canoe instead…..Don’t expect two people to be able to go together – 

This might seem contradictory to what I just said, but this really depends on the rider.

Few years ago, (before I had better balance) I went out to the lake with my girlfriend and dad. With only one canoe and kayak.

Well anyways, since my balance was so bad……I ended up tipping me and my dad out of the canoe. Fortunately, we figured out I could sit in the bottom of the canoe and it became impossible to tip…..but still at the time, it was embarrassing.

Thankfully, my girlfriend (who is also larger) was able to go and ride with him. They did fine together.

All this to say, that some larger people just don’t have that great of balance yet….which is entirely okay. You can still ride, but it’s easier to do it by yourself than together.

#9 This is an addictive hobby for larger people –

If you’re worried that maybe you shouldn’t go, because you won’t have fun……or if you’re worried that larger people might not have fun doing this……….seriously don’t be. It’s going to be alright. Not just that, but this is FUN.

As a larger person myself, it’s nice to be able to get outside and do physical activities. A lot of outdoor physical stuff is hard for us unfortunately, so trust me. You WILL have fun doing this. 

#10 You’re not going to overwork yourself doing this – 

Seriously, at first I was worried that I’d get halfway through and have to quit or turnaround……but honestly it’s really not that hard. It’s very leisurely. I only found this difficult when I was in the upper 500 pound range. At 380 It’s very easy, so if you’re my size or smaller…..I promise you’ll enjoy it. And it does burn calories to!

#11 Consider a kayak you can pedal with –

With these you can pedal or paddle, or both (which is the best way).

These are STUPID AMOUNTS OF FUN and much much easier if you’re like me and just want to rellaaaaaaaxx. Kayaking is a fun activity, but after using your arms for awhile and your back….you’ll want to take a break. Pedaling with your legs is SO much easier. I unfortunately don’t own one yet, but I did get to try one once so they’re now on the bucket list for the future.

Many places allow you to rent these, call around and ask wherever you’re going and I’m sure you’ll find a place that can. Seriously, consider these.

Now I should say however the drawbacks to these, is that they aren’t as roomy as a canoe. So you won’t be as stable. They’re also hard to get in/out of like a kayak. But, if those things don’t bother you this is a really really good option. 

Seriously though, these things are awesome. 

#12 Kayaking burns a surprising amount of calories –

I found tons of websites that said it burns anywhere from 300-500 calories, I’m sure this depends on how fast you’re going and working yourself of course…..but I did find that pretty cool. It’s nice to burn calories on things that don’t feel like a hard workout.

#13 Reserve what you need – 

If you’re calling to rent, many places only have a few options for larger people. Don’t end up disappointed! Make sure to not only call ahead, but to ask how many they have on hand as well……and if you can reserve them for a particular time/date. 

BONUS! THERE IS A TRICK to getting in and out of a kayak in deep water if you’re larger –

This video does a great job of explaining it, I haven’t been able to do it…..but I have seen other large people do it before so I do know it is possible. Make sure to watch this! But, just remember not to freak out if you do tip over. It’s okay, just swim to shore and get back in there. 

Conclusion : 

I hope I didn’t scare you out of riding a kayak with some of these tips. 

Riding a kayak, is one of the most fun, and relaxing things you can do. I’d hate for someone to have never gotten to experience riding a kayak for yourself. It’s seriously a blast.

Honestly, however……. some people will simply not be able to ride them. And that’s totally 100% okay. Canoes are a great alternative if you’re simply to large. They’re just as fun.

Remember, the most important thing to do out there is have fun!! Thanks again for reading!!!!

Also, if you’re interested…..check out the rest of the blog. It’s about a community for people getting through the difficulties of being overweight/obese.