Morbidly Obese and Need Help? Here’s Where to Go

As a large person myself, I can understand the pain of being larger. It can be an emotional battle, and can feel unfair at times.

If you’re struggling with the emotional battles of being larger, or if you’re trying to lose weight………this is the article for you.

In this article, you’ll find out: Where to go to get help if you’re larger.

Table Of Contents:

Where to go if you need support

Where to go for information on how to lose weight

Where to go if you need support –

Overeaters Anonymous –

This isn’t the absolute best place to turn to, but it can help DRASTICALLY if you need it.

I personally have a lot of experience with the twelve steps, and can tell you that if you really need help………..and nothing else is working…….this is where to go.

But, why then did I say this isn’t the best place to turn?

Well, the problem is that OA isn’t really easy to get help exactly when you need it………that, and it can be intimidating for larger people.

Why is it intimidating?

Well, to get the most from it you really need to show up to meeting………and you need to share. Which, for a lot of people is not the best feeling. Not only that, but the program involves you getting a sponsor. This is a person you communicate with regularly to keep you on track. Getting a sponsor can be hard, and can feel like dating.

On top of this……..

Overeaters Anonymous isn’t really very flexible. It’s their way or the highway. This can be super intimidating, especially if you disagree with parts of their steps.

You should know this….

If you DO decide you want to do Overeaters Anonymous, I highly suggest you try one of their phone meetings first. You can call in, and simply listen to a meeting. This will give you an idea of if you’ll like this group or not.

Reddit Groups –

This is a GREAT place to get emotional support.

In fact, I’d say groups on reddit such as r/supermorbidlyobese are the BEST place on the internet to find some encouragement and get yourself back on your feet.

Why are reddit groups the best place for emotional support?

Well, for a variety of reasons…….Reddit groups are anonymous, they have tons of people going through the same thing as you, there are people always ready to help at any given time………and the list goes on and on and on.

I think you should join right now.

Honestly, at least take a look at reddit groups for larger people. The community on these forums will change your life in positive ways you haven’t even thought of yet. I know that may sound to good to be true……..but just go on there and read posts from others that have lost insane amounts of weight, and have had their health and lives improved.

I’m actually begging you……..

Just go and check things out. If they can’t help you right now, they most certainly can in the future. Consider this, what do you have to lose?

My favorite thing about Reddit though?

It’s the anonymity. Sometimes, as larger people we have issues that it’s hard to talk about……….even with other larger people. When you’re anonymous you can easily talk to other people and feel confident that no one will find out unless they find your account. Sometimes, I’ll make a post and just to be safe I’ll delete it later.

There are downsides however…..

Sometimes, there are trolls that do make their way on to these communities. Usually, I don’t run into them…….but, every once in awhile you’ll get an ignorant comment from someone who just wants to make you feel bad. Just know about this, so you can be prepared in case you do run into this.

Facebook Groups –

You’d be VERY surprised how helpful facebook groups can be.

They are awesome for many of the same reasons the reddit groups are awesome…….

But You Should know THIS:

Facebook Groups have a lot of flaws. When I say a lot of flaws, I mean a LOT of flaws. They have all sorts of issues. There’s no anonymity, some groups aren’t helpful and just want to sell you products, some have some MAJOR trolls, the list goes on and on when it comes to facebook groups and their problems.

But they’re still one of the best places to get support……


Also for a lot of reasons. Most of these are the same as the ones I talked about earlier with reddit, but there are some other major benefits with facebook that reddit doesn’t have. For instance, with facebook you know for a fact you’re talking to a real person. You can make great connections with others and can both help each other through your journeys.

Facebook groups are definitely a great place to go look for people who can help you. Just be careful with what group you choose.

Find a therapist –

If you’re really desperate for someone to talk to face to face, and you need to do it quickly……..this is the way.

I understand, that this obviously isn’t the best way to get help. But for some people, face to face interaction that’s private is what’s best.

If this is what you choose know this:

Nowadays therapy isn’t as expensive as it used to be. In fact, since it’s become normalized it’s very very inexpensive. Some of the most inexpensive therapists I’ve found were online.

Where to go for information on losing weight –

Mayo Clinic-

When it comes to getting very straightforward, and factual information on how to lose weight. Mayo Clinic is the best solution. They break everything down into simple plans as well, so you can make weight loss easy.

On the Mayo Clinic’s website, they really give it to you straight.

Here’s a quote from their article on weight loss basics (which is a good read to get you started)

“Your weight is a balancing act, and calories are part of that equation. Weight loss comes down to burning more calories than you take in. You can do that by reducing extra calories from food and beverages, and increasing calories burned through physical activity.”

(Read the whole article here)

Like I said, you can get very clear and precise information on their website. No frills. If YOURE just looking for information on how to lose weight, this site is really all you need.

Something you need to know btw…….

Mayo Clinic has other information as well on other health related issues. In order to find information on weight loss, you’ll need to search the site. Go to the home page and use the search bar.

Eat This, Not That!

This website is AWESOME. I actually only recently discovered it, and there are TONS of different articles talking about what you should eat………..and what diet tips, and nutritional information………it’s seriously a treasure trove of absolutely fantastic information.

What’s really cool, is the focus on food. Articles that talk about really good tasting food that is lower in calories and more nutritional. So you can feel great about eating them to.

In general, this is just a good site all around for someone trying to lose weight. It’s definitely worth browsing, because there’s a lot of surprising information on there as well.

You should know this:

While this sites main focus is about food, there is also a lot of exercise tips as well. While they’re usually more focused towards smaller people, many of them are do-able by larger people as well.

Healthline –

The information on this site is INSANELY good. Healthline does an absolutely phenomenal job of fact checking absolutely everything, and putting out extremely digestible content that seriously helps dieters.

I’ve learned some absolutely awesome tips from healthline.

For instance did you know?

If you drink water, your metabolism boost from 24-30% for an hour to an hour and a half.


Did you know?

Caffeine can boost the metabolism by 3-11%.

Both of these tips I found on this article.

On healthline there is TONS of information just like this. Great, factual information that is well researched and can help you dramatically.

Online Groups –

Many online groups are great places to go learn how other people are losing weight. Wether that’s through diet programs, exercise, or other ways they’re doing it.

On these online groups, you can get a really raw idea of what it’s actually like to lose weight and go through all of the steps in order to achieve whatever weight you’re looking to get to.


I hope you’ve enjoyed this article!!!!

Thank you SO SO much for reading. I appreciate it absolutely so much.

Please, if you have any feedback at all. Please share it in the comments.

Thanks again!!!!