Obese and Back hurts when walking? Here’s What To Do

Not surprisingly, back pain is a very common occurrence for obese people to run into.

Here in this article, we’re going to talk about what to do if you are obese and your back hurts when doing any type of movement like exercising or walking.

Because of this, it has some very simple solutions.

I hope you enjoy this article. And thank you for stopping by the blog!

Table of contents:

The very first thing you should do

The causes of your back pain

How to stop your back pain

The very first thing you should do

The very first thing you should do by far, is simply consult your doctor. Back pain is a serious issue, and should be taken seriously. Seriously, do not neglect this. Don’t do anything else until you have consulted with your doctor.

This is the absolute most important step. Do not do anything at all until you have spoken with a professional doctor. Also, make sure to talk to your doctor about seeing a specialist for your back pain as well.

Again, I cannot stress enough how this is the very first thing you should be doing. Always consult with your doctor before doing anything regarding your health.

The causes of your back pain

Most of the time, when larger people experience back pain. It is usually because of 1 of 3 reasons. These reasons are not exercising, poor posture , and being to overweight.

Each of these has a specific reason for causing your back pain. Being overweight shifts your center of gravity, not exercising means your abdominal muscles aren’t strong enough to support you, and poor posture causes pressure to the spine.

Almost Every time, these are the reasons for your back pain if you’re larger. BUT IT COULD BE SOMETHING ELSE. So, like I said before, it is always best to consult with your doctor before doing ANYTHING.

An example of something that causes back pain that is unusual:

Sleeping on your stomach. This has happened to me quite frequently, where I will forget that this will cause me back pain and sleep on my stomach. I will be in PAIN for most of the day (and sometimes a couple of days).

How To Stop Your Back Pain –

So, like we covered in the last section, most likely your back pain is coming from one of three things. Either bad posture, to much weight gain (causing the center of gravity to be shifted), or your muscles are to weak.

The thing is, how do you identify which one is the problem?

Well, the thing is…….

You can’t really tell until you start experimenting with the solutions. (I know I know, not what you want to hear…..but it’s the truth unfortunately)

So this is what you’ll need to do:

You’re going to need to do all three of these things…..(each of these will combat a back pain problem)

#1 Walk around with correct posture – I’m telling you this is almost ALWAYS the culprit for me. After an hour of walking around correctly my back feels INFINITELY BETTER. As larger people we don’t realize it, but we spend a LOT of time walking around with extremely bad posture. This is causing ENORMOUS strain to our backs.

#2 Start trying to lose weight – Yes I know this is a tough one, and is so much easier said than done…….but you can do it. Just remember that losing weight is simply a mental game. You’re playing mental chess with yourself. It’s really not as hard as you might think either. As larger people we tend to act like losing weight is impossible. But it’s simply eating better, and eating less.

#3 Exercise – When we exercise we strengthen our abdominal muscles which lessens our back pain. Your abdominal muscles are what holds you up so they’re drastically important to keeping away back pain.


I hope you enjoyed this article!!!! If you enjoyed reading this, or have ANY input PLEASE leave a comment. It is appreciated more than you know. Again, thank you so so much.