Hi! Welcome to my blog! If you’re new, this blog is about my journey being overweight, which I want to eventually turn into a community for people with weight problems.
Here’s the story of how I’ve been able to get brand new trendy trending clothing super cheap for + size people pretty easily and surprisingly consistently
If You want to get cheap trendy clothing, this is the article for you.
(Just want a quick summary? scroll down to the bottom and I’ll try to keep it as concise as possible. Thank you for reading!)
It all started actually about a year ago before I went out on vacation.
I’m sure you know how that goes………you KNOW there’s going to be TONS and TONS and TONNNNS of pictures, and you want to look good in them….but you’re not really sure what to wear.
(Here’s a pic from our vaca btw)
And me……..as a bigger dude, I was ALWAYS struggling to find something that looked decent…….and a lot of the times, I’d just give up. It was to hard to find something that looked good that I’d ALSO feel comfortable in. If I DID find something, it was almost always to expensive.
Eventually, I got fed up, and decided I was going to figure out how to find great clothing for a good price no matter what.
So, I started researching…..
And researching….
Looking through every forum online trying to figure out where to get the best deals……
It was honestly really hard at fast, there really just isn’t a lot of good information out there about finding deals for plus size people.
Everywhere I looked I became more and more frustrated, because honestly the information I found was useless.
Essentially, people just wanted me to give up…..and pay up.
But, I don’t give up easily.
Finally, I started finding good deals. Really good deals actually. Turns out there was actually tons of options out there….but you really had to dig in and do some detective work to get them.
And the Detective work…..definitely paid off.
I found absolutely INCREDIBLE deals on all sorts of clothing. Good clothing to, not just plain t shirts and stuff you wouldn’t want to be seen wearing.
Like this shirt I got for 15$.
(This shirt retails for 35$ new. That’s OVER half off. )
If You want deals like this, read on for my tips. Anyone can get these deals, it’s easy.

So, since I finally had some success…… decided to keep digging, and researching…..
I found these deals are absolutely everywhere if you just know a few things about how stores are run, and where to look online.
It’s also about how you look online as well, if that doesn’t make sense…..trust me it will in a bit.
So what are these Secrets that I found?
Well, there’s five in total. All super simple that anyone can do. (Except the last one, but we’ll get to that!)S
Before we start – If you’re a guy like me, and are kind of clueless about what will make you really look sharp…….I suggest watching this video. The guy really knows his stuff.
First secret –
Talk to the people that run the stores.
I found this secret when I was shopping for vacation….at the very first stop.
I was very candid with the employee about how much I hated having to pay so much for clothes, and he sympathized as a bigger guy as well.
(This was at a huge……maybe even the largest big and tall store btw. To give you an idea of where to use this secret.)
I am not going to say their name…..but I’m sure you probably know what store I’m referring to. I honestly just don’t want to get the guy I spoke to in trouble. People get fired over the smallest things these days.
So what did he say?
In a nutshell, that the way most large stores price clothing can sometimes make absolutely no sense. This is in total favor of the customer because you can get brand new clothing at a fraction of the cost.
If you go and check their clearance rack you’ll find TONS of trending clothing items and brands. All you have to do is just look consistently and try to be at the store when they’re putting out new clearance items.
Why does this happen?
He explained to me that he wasn’t sure why some of these items even ended up there……many of the clothes that were literally just brought in to the store sometimes went to straight to the clearance rack. Many times, the stuff on the clearance rack was even better than the stuff inside the store.
Btw the Chris Stapleton shirt that’s pictured above I found at one of the stores on the clearance rack. For this one I was told that the artist had the shirts shipped to the store……..but they didn’t make it in time. (apparently they only feature certain artists when they JUST released music).
Because of this, they were featuring other shirts and didn’t have the space for them in the featured aisles of the store. Causing them to go on clearance. Lucky me, honestly for that shirt I would’ve paid full price.
Second Secret –
Constantly browse big and tall stores.
So honestly this one is kind of common sense…..
I’m sure you’ve heard before the early bird gets the worm. Honestly it’s true. Some of the best clothes that I’ve found out there has been because I keep a really really really good look out for them. There’s tons and tons of deals if you just consistently lookout for them.
Many sites I love such as king size direct, DXL, and Hirmer (There is FIRE stuff in Hirmers clearance section almost always btw) have great clearance sections. You can score some wild deals on there and just like the stores if you’re vigilant.
There’s stuff on these sites that honestly makes absolutely no sense for them to put on clearance.
It makes me curious to know who runs the stores. I wouldn’t put HALF of the stuff they put on clearance out.
I’m thinking maybe the reason why they do it…..is because when they find a REALLY popular item……sometimes maybe they over print or manufacture that item? In that case I can understand I guess.
Third Secret –
Join companies email list.
This has paid out absolutely huge for me, not only when it comes to clothing…..but for other products as well.
Getting on their email lists means access to coupons, and discounts other people don’t have access to.
PLUS you get alerts before others so you can get those discounts before they’re sold out.
The HUGE discounts are when companies go out of business. I haven’t been to a closeout of a store yet, but when they happen you can literally get items for pennies on the dollar.
Fourth Secret –
Follow discount bloggers.
Depending on who you follow, some post only about deals for plus size clothing…..but most will post plus size clothing, plus other clothing.
If you’re willing to sift through all of it, you can almost always find some great deals. I got a NASA beanie once for 1$ free shipping. (I think that was a fluke, because the price quickly changed.)
Following these bloggers is like having a small army of internet warriors ready to pounce and send you a deal as soon as they find it.
This can become an addiction btw, so watch out!
Fifth Secret –
This is my final tactic and this is where clothes can go for affordable to just absolutely dirt dirt cheap.
I love shopping on ebay. It’s way more fun than going shopping just because it’s SO DAMN CHEAP. Plus you can do it right at home, and avoid a crowd.
Don’t immediately dismiss this option I know a lot of you probably might feel some type of way about buying from the source but it’s honestly the best source I’ve ever found for great clothing cheap.
The trick to ebay, is to ALWAYS look for items on auction.
Here you can go and find absolutely unreal deals.
I have no clue why, but just look through some sold listings on ebay and you’ll see what I mean.
Just look at these SOLD North Face listings.
Bonus Secret: Know someone inside the store.
This one is hard to work on, but entirely worth it.
I know this sounds hard, but if you make a friend that works at one of these stores, they can text you when deals or around OR even save you stuff specifically.
A girl I know who does this with her friend at a local resale shop gets outrageously good stuff, sometimes even for FREE.
So, be extra friendly next time you’re out shopping. You never know! Plus you can make a friend in the process!
Conclusion: Thank you so much for reading this article! If you didn’t, here are the main bullet points.
#1 Check out clearance aisles consistently, many times stuff that should be on the main shelves end up there.
#2 Staying on the lookout consistently turns the biggest results.
#3 Join companies email list. They regularly send out coupons. ESPECIALLY get on the lists of companies that aren’t as well known like Hirmers. Smaller companies usually put out the best deals.
#4 Follow deal bloggers. Following these guys is like having a small army that looks for deals for you. Pretty awesome.
#5 Ebay. When things go on on auction, you can sometimes snag them for a fraction of the price. I’ve seen North Face clothes and other higher end name brands go for just a few dollars pretty consistently on there.