The Best Morbidly Obese weight loss plan

Hi, my names Cameron. Welcome to my blog!

In this article we’re going to go over the BEST weight loss plan for morbidly obese people.

I promise you……

If you stick through this plan you WILL achieve weight loss. There’s even a chance you will love the process as well like I have.

I’ve personally lost 100+ pounds so far using this diet plan in this post.

NOTE: You should talk to your doctor before starting any diet regimen to make sure it’s right for you.

Table of Contents:

The simple science behind losing weight

The 3 step plan to lose weight for morbidly obese

How to make weight loss feel Good

The Simple science behind losing weight –

No matter what you’ve been told before, weight loss is actually very simple. Especially for larger people.

Why is losing weight easier for larger people?

Well, that’s because losing weight is as simple as this.

“Weight loss comes down to burning more calories than you take in.” – Mayo Clinic

That’s really it. That’s all there is to it! Most of what you need to do involves just having less calories on a daily basis than what you’re burning. Thankfully, it really is just that simple. If you’re burning more calories than you’re taking in, then you are going to lose weight.

Simply following this strategy I’ve personally been able to lose 100+ pounds so far. CICO (calories in calories out) is a lifesaver!

The 3 Step Plan to Lose Weight for morbidly obese –

In order to lose weight, like we talked about earlier…….

All you need to do is consume less calories than you’re burning daily.

So, Step One is to figure out how many calories you burn daily –

Doing this can be very simple. In fact there is a lot of calculators online that will show how many calories you burn per day at your current weight and height. Simply put in your height, age, and weight……..followed by your exercise level of activity…….and you’ll be able to get a fairly accurate idea of how many calories you burn per day. These calculators are incredibly accurate, and have a lot of scientific backing for how accurate they are. Personally, I just try to figure out my basal metabolic rate (this means what you burn if you literally don’t move at all). Then I try to make sure I eat less than that. This way I can be SURE I’m going to be losing weight on a daily basis.

Naturally, Step two is to figure out what your diet should be –

Now, this is where you need to get very specific. So you can figure out exactly how many calories you’re eating…….and what you want your deficit to be.

For some people, a deficit of 500 calories a day is good.

For others……..a couple hundred a day is good……or for others even a thousand calories……or more.

I personally think that a good deficit is 500 calories a day. This means you will lose 1 pound per week. (3500 calories is equal to one pound)

Figure out what feels right for you, and go from there! Everyone’s needs are different. Try and go for a goal that doesn’t seem too hard, or too easy. If it’s too hard, you might give up and quit quickly and easily. If it’s too easy, we’ll it might not feel as good to accomplish your goals.


Keep in mind when you’re eating less calories, you’re going to have less nutrients in your body. I personally combat this by taking vitamins. When you have the right vitamins in your system you’ll feel INCREDIBLE. On the flip side, a deficiency will leave you sluggish and feeling literally sick. Don’t forget to eat a balanced diet!

Remember: All you need to do is eat less calories than you burn to lose weight. That’s it. Don’t over complicate this!

Third, figure out how to be flexible (READ THIS) :

Here’s what I mean by this:

Basically, when you’re on this diet, there are going to be problems. It’s inevitable.

You’re going to notice that some days, you’re going to TOTALLY bomb. Some days you’re going to have cheat days that you didn’t mean to have. SOMETIMES, you’re going to end up with entire cheat weeks. (If you’re like me)


Plan for when these things happen. When you plan for these problems, you’re able to be prepared whenever they DO happen. This game plan will put you on the right track again, and quickly.

So, how do you plan for when things go off the rails?

Personally for me, it’s a mental game. I prepare and plan by doing things such as having pre cooked meals that are low cal (for when I’m in a rush) or reading a menu beforehand online (if I’m going out to eat) to figure out what will work with my diet.

Know this.

Being PREPARED for when things go wrong will help more than ANYTHING else when it comes to dieting. Without a plan, when you go off the rails things go really really far off.

I’m literally begging you……

Make a plan. You don’t want to end up gaining back the weight you lost!

Bonus Step: Re-Evaluate Regulary-

Many people don’t do this often, but it has TONS of benefits to you if you simply re-evaluate your diet regularly.

What kind of benefits?

Personally, I find that every time I reevaluate my diet………I figure out something new I can do to either lose more weight, feel more full, or even lose weight more quickly.

For instance, recently I changed my diet to adding more protein. Before, I was feeling sluggish. The added protein gave me a HUGE jump in my energy.

You’re going to have to do it anyways…..

Honestly, you have to re-evaluate every once in awhile no matter what. Mainly because eventually you end up not being in a deficit anymore because you’ve lost weight.

How To Make Weight Loss Feel Good –


I know, that might sound ridiculous………but it really is true.

The most important part of your diet as a morbidly obese person………is to feel good while you do it.

If you don’t feel good about doing it………then you won’t. Simple as that.

Even people who claim to “feel bad” about doing it (and they might physically feel hungry, or maybe have cravings for food) are always feeling good mentally about what they’re doing.

I know this might sound controversial, but it’s really true.

If you don’t have any positive feelings at all towards something, you simply won’t do that thing.

So, the question is…….how can we feel good about losing weight?

It’s simple, we change our thoughts by focusing on better thoughts.

Instead of thinking, “ugh I’m going to be hungry”

Think to yourself “yes I’ll be hungry for awhile, but how awesome is it that I only have to be hungry for a little bit, and then after I’ll be on the right track to where I want to be.”

Or instead of having thoughts like…..

“This is too hard”

Why not ask yourself why you think it’s hard in the first place?

Chances are, when you break it down…….you’ll realize it’s easy. It’s not a big deal. You CAN do this and it’s not even a problem.

It’s all in the mindset. Seriously!

Don’t underestimate your brain.

Next time you’re feeling like you can’t do it, ask yourself why do you think you can’t? Is this really true? Can I really not do this?

Chances are you’ll realize you CAN do it. Because you CAN.

Change your thoughts, change your life.

You got this! I have faith in you!