The BEST Obesity Support Groups (Online and Offline)

If you’re looking for the best Obesity Support Groups online, you’ve come to the right place.

In this post, we’ll cover what the best Obesity Support groups are. Coming from an actually big person who has used most of them.

Also, we’ll cover the differences between all of these support groups. Plus, what makes them good (or bad) for you.

Lets get started!

Table Of Contents:

The Top 3 BEST Obesity Support Groups

Other Good Options


The Top 3 BEST Obesity Support Groups –

#1 Reddit Groups.

(Specifically r/loseit and r/supermorbidlyobese)

Reddit groups are ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE for finding some of the BEST support you can find online.

It might not necessarily be professional help, but sometimes…….being able to ask someone else exactly what helped them……..means the world.

People who have been where you are before, and are able to help you get through it are priceless. The type of help you can get on these groups seriously is incredible.

Just Imagine…….

Anytime that you have an issue. Maybe a craving? You’re able to INSTANTLY get help from a ton of people who CARE and know EXACTLY where you are right now. That’s just how powerful these reddit groups are. It’s honestly humbling.

And that’s not all………

In fact, that’s just the beginning……

The tip of the iceberg…….

These reddit groups are helpful for a TON of other reasons as well. Apart from the quick help from other people who’ve been there.

They’re useful for motivation, tactics, diet plans, the list is absolutely endless.


The most overlooked thing?


Just logging into the group daily, and seeing other people post their daily results…….and their wins…..

It’s incredible motivation, and really……motivation is the number one thing that’s missing for most people (at least it was for me).

Seeing people conquer their weight loss gives you hope.

If you’re interested in checking out one of these groups. Go on reddit and type in “supermorbidlyobese” or “loseit”

Both of these groups are awesome.


The weight loss before and afters photos are INSANE on these forums. Definitely check them out.

#2 Facebook Groups –

(I’m not going to name specific groups for this section – you’ll understand why as you read this section)

Facebook groups are incredible for many of the reasons that Reddit groups are. You’re going to get a lot of the same things that you get from reddit groups for weight loss. Things like people being there for you RIGHT when you need it, and people giving tips and advice for what you can do……from other people who have been there. Facebook groups are generally easy to join as well just like reddit groups. Plus they’re easy to post in, and are free of judgment (mostly). Facebook groups really are great options.

So, why are Facebook groups not the first choice?

For a few reasons…..

Number one, Facebook groups aren’t always very friendly. It’s really just the nature of Facebook in general honestly. I’m not sure why, but I don’t find as nice of groups on there. I’m not saying that they are all rude……in fact most aren’t! But they’re generally not as well enforced as they should be and some people slip through the cracks that probably shouldn’t be there.

Number two, Many are trying to secretly pitch products. There really isn’t much to say about this, there are just some people that are trying to pitch products secretly and the reason they’ve made the group is to sell these products to you. So, if you join a group and say something that doesn’t support that product you can be banned. Pair this with DMs of unwanted product pitches……’s not the best. Because of this the groups have many people as well on there that aren’t there for the right reasons. Usually though, these people are easy to spot.

Number three, Just random issues that aren’t on reddit. I’m talking about small things, like sometimes it takes forever for your post to be seen because it has to be approved……or that post aren’t seen as much for whatever reason. Also, the engagement on these groups isn’t as high on reddit. Really there are a bunch of just small nitpicky Reasons I don’t like Facebook as much as reddit for weight loss support groups.

#3 Overeaters Anonymous –

I’ve spent a LOT of time on the twelve steps……

And I can promise you…..

If there’s only one thing you remember from this post remember this……

Overeaters Anonymous and the twelve steps is one of the most effective methods you will EVER come across for losing weight and keeping it off.

Overeaters Anonymous is essentially the “back against the wall method”. When nothing else is working, this is the best place to turn.

So, if this support group is practically foolproof for losing weight……..why is it number three on this list?

Well, it’s for a variety of reasons.

Number one, Overeaters Anonymous isn’t exactly for everyone. It’s really the option for when your back is totally against the wall. Most people simply are going to revolted by these meeting and feel like getting a sponsor and working the steps is simply WAY to much work for the average person. It’s really overwhelming for a newcomer, and even though they try to make everyone feel as welcome as possible……sometimes they’re not the best at it.

Number two, I imagine most people that are looking for a support group just want something Easy and available when they need it. OA isn’t this. Even if you get a sponsor, or multiple sponsors, they might not be able to pick up the phone when you’re having a craving. The only way to get off whatever is on your mind, or get advice…….can many times mean waiting until the next meeting. Which can be very frustrating.

Number three, You might not agree with all of the steps or the different things that happen with Overeaters anonymous. This puts a lot of people off from the program.

There are other reasons why this is number three on the list, but in general……’s still a VERY good option. I’m telling you to, if your back is against the wall…….and you just keep gaining and gaining and don’t know what to do……you should really try a meeting.

Also, a HUGE plus to this group?

They have phone meetings online. You can call in and listen, or speak if you want to. It’s all up to you. So if you can’t get to a meeting, you can almost always find one of these.

Other Good Options:

#1 Online Forums – Really, there are quite a lot to list…….so I won’t be able to list all of them. But honestly, it’s more about what works for you than anything. So rather than tell you my personal bias on each of the groups, I encourage you to go out and try each one! Or at least, learn some about each and go out and try them.

#2 Use this site to find local support groups –

I was surprised to find this out. There is a website that takes all of the support groups in local areas for larger people and compiles them all in one place. Pretty cool. Visit this site.

#3 Paid Programs – I’m not a fan personally, but some people are VERY into their paid diet programs. In these programs people do find a lot of support from other people in the program. So while I’m not personally a fan, this may be for you!


Thank you SO much for reading this post.

Please remember……

The most important thing……

Is to find what works for YOU. The top three I chose in this post are the best……but only in my personal opinion. They may not be what’s best for you however.


Again Thank you SO MUCH for reading this post. It really does mean a lot to me. I appreciate it SO much and really hope you got something useful out of it.


If you did get something out of it, or have something to add. I’d LOVE for you to leave a comment. Any advice is appreciated!

Again, thanks so much for reading!!!

my obesity team


Facebook groups