Top 7 Weight loss diets for obesity

In this article, we’ll go over the 7 best diet programs for weight loss for people that are obese.

I’ve personally done most of these programs. So far, I’ve lose 100+ pounds and I’m still losing.

At the end of this article I’ll also be giving some tips on how to stay on course with your diet you probably haven’t heard before. Plus some extra tips to make it easier on you.

DISCLAIMER – PLEASE READ: Before starting ANY diet you should ALWAYS talk to your doctor first to make sure it is right for you.

#7 Intermittent Fasting –

(Above: a super inspiring before and after I found on YouTube)

This one involves only eating in a small window of the day. For some, you only eat for four hours. Others, 8 hours.

People usually eat ANYTHING they feel like in this window of time……….then the rest of the day they don’t eat.

For some people, this diet works WONDERS.

But, I’ve noticed from reading on forums and my own personal experience with this diet that it can be HORRIBLE for larger people.

My number one problem with the diet, and I noticed that other people had……….

Is that it makes you MASSIVELY HUNGRY. Which (usually) caused myself to overeat. Which was of course, the exact opposite of what I was trying to accomplish.

I was able to sometimes make this diet work. For instance I would drink idealshake at the very end (this is a shake that makes you stop being hungry for quite awhile) and it would hold me off sometimes, but honestly this diet just really wasn’t Easy.

Some other problems I had, was that I would feel crappy at the beginning of the day when I wasn’t eating. Then at the end of the day when I ate all at once……….I’d feel crappy all over again. Also, it got annoying to tell everyone why I wouldn’t eat at normal times. On top of that, I started getting headaches some of the days I did this diet.

All this aside……..if this works for you go for it!

A lot of people SWEAR by this diet and say it’s a lifesaver for them. You’ve got to do what works best for you.


(Above: a super inspiring before and after I found on YouTube)

Oh man, I have a lot to say about this diet…….but I’m going to try and keep this short and sweet.

What it is: Basically a low carb diet. But REALLY low carbs.

I’ve seen this diet work MIRACLES for people.

I know people who have lost absolutely INSANE amounts of weight…….and FAST. Almost so fast, that it makes me wonder how healthy this diet really is.

Because of this, I know this diet can be HUGELY appealing. But, when I’m telling you it is hard………I mean it is HARD.

I personally struggled with this one a lot, but not for the reason you’d think.

The real problem with this one is………it is HARD to constantly have food prepped.

This diet is LOW LOW carbs. I mean LOW carbs – Which most places when you’re on the go, don’t serve. Which can be insanely frustrating. You can easily eat one meal, or just a snack……and completely ruin your keto diet. I’ve personally ruined mine several times with just one drink. One day, it was half a mello yellow that did it. Just half.

Now I know, I do sound like a Debbie downer. I’m just trying to be realistic here. I want to tell it how it is, so you know before you get into these how difficult they can be.

Again however, I’d like to stress that if you are serious about losing weight and need to quickly…….this one is it.

#5 Fasting

(Above: The benefits of fasting.)


I know this sounds strange, but fasting was one of the easiest ways I’ve ever had to lose weight.

let me explain why.

Fasting for me is a mental game. Sometimes, I want a challenge and if I challenge myself to a day or two days of fasting It simply motivates me. Just challenging yourself can be fun. If you have a competitive spirit in yourself at all, I highly recommend you try this out. A quick one or two day fast can put you in a HUGE calorie deficit for an entire week. Sometimes, I’ll do a two day fast and the rest of the week I won’t have to worry as much and I’ll let myself have more calories than usual. And still be losing weight.

The other great thing I love about fasting, is that if you accomplish it one day……….then you start feeling good about yourself. This new found confidence will help keep the ball rolling in the right direction. I’ve learned that weight loss is mostly a mental game, so this is a great bonus.

Also, the benefits of fasting are CRAZY. Fasting will make you feel GREAT. Watch the video above for more info if you’re interested.

#4 Low Carb Diet –

(More info above)

Low carb diets are close to the same as KETO except, most aren’t as extreme as KETO is. You don’t have have close to no carbs on a low carb diet like you do with keto.

I HIGHLY SUGGEST you try this diet. THIS DIET IS VERY EASY. Which, the easier we can make this process the more likely we’re going to stick to it.

So, why is this diet so easy?

For two reasons really, first that you’re not super low in carbs – so it’s more manageable. But second it makes you feel GREAT. After the first couple days trying this diet I felt MASSIVELY energized and ready to take on life. This great feeling, gave me some extra motivation to stick to this diet. This is currently the diet I’m on.

The other thing I like about this diet, is that if you go over your carb limit…….you’re still doing better than you would be doing if you were eating how you normally would. I still lose weight when I go over my carb limit personally.

I definitely suggest you check this diet out. At the very least you’ll feel fantastic. Nothing at all to lose with this diet.

#3 Low Fat Diet

This diet is exactly as it sounds. Depending on which low fat diet you choose, a certain percentage of the calories you eat can be fat – the rest can be whatever you choose.

I’m not really a fan of this diet at all, not because it was hard……….In fact, it was very easy. I just didn’t see any results at all after almost two weeks. Which, at my weight……..there should’ve been significant results.

Now, that doesn’t mean that people who do this diet don’t lose weight. In fact, I found many people on a lot of forums and especially on reddit who said that they found lost a substantial amount of weight with this diet. Unfortunately, it just didn’t work for me.

I definitely suggest you at least look into this diet, because if you are able to lose weight……it’s one of the easiest on this list by far.

#2 The Carnivore Diet –

I just recently learned about this diet on the Joe Rogan podcast, and I’m SUPER excited to try it. From everything I’ve heard about it, this is going to be a great diet to for many obese and morbidly obese (or in my case super morbidly obese. Hopefully not for long!)

Basically, the diet involves only eating food that comes from animals. You eat a TON of protein and fat.

People that are doing this diet, are saying they are feeling INCREDIBLE and are losing weight at the same time. Some say they are feeling mental clarity on top of this. Awesome.

#1 CICO –

Stands for Calories in, Calories out.

This is the diet that I’ve noticed the HIGHEST success rate out of all the diets with larger people online.

It’s very simple, first you calculate how many calories you use in a day. Then you count your calories in the food you eat and make sure that you are in a deficit daily. Every pound will be equal to approximately 3,500 calories. So, if your goal is to be in a 500 calorie deficit daily…….then you will lose one pound at the end of a week.

What I don’t like about this diet –

Some people get carried away with this diet, and they focus to much on the amount of calories they’re eating…..and not on what they’re eating.

Basically, as long as they’re eating less than the calories they burn…..they think they’re doing fine.

I’ve personally fallen into this trap, and have ended up with some TMI issues when I didn’t get enough of certain nutrients I needed. So, as long as you pay attention on a daily basis to get the nutrients you need you’ll be fine.

My Best Tips on how to stay on course with your diet –

Staying on a diet is NOT easy, it can be EXTREMELY difficult. So, I wanted to add this section and share some tips to make it easier for you guys.

My first tip – PLAN to make mistakes.

Yes, this does sound counterintuitive. But hear me out. Mistakes happen, and if we can plan for when these mistakes do happen rather than just plan for everything to go right……we’ll be way better off. It’s best to have a plan for when things do go wrong. That way, we won’t be thrown off when it does happen. In the past (before I would plan for when things went wrong) I would end up with HUGE problems and feeling like I failed when things did go wrong. This caused a snowball effect of feeling like I failed and eating more.

My second tip – realize this is all a mental game.

The most important part of the diet, isn’t the diet itself………It’s the mental game behind it. When you shift your focus on how you can make this diet easier on yourself mentally……..rather than just focus on the actual diet itself…….it becomes a TON easier. An example of making your diet easier on yourself mentally is having a cheat day. Or, to tell yourself if you do fail that it’s not the end of the world. Don’t take everything to seriously. A lot of people stress themselves out trying to be so perfect that they end up giving up on all of it because they’ve made something that’s not that hard and made it hard. This is something I’ve noticed a lot of larger people do.


Losing weight is not hard. It’s easy. Essentially, no matter what diet we choose………all we have to do is eat less. This. Is. Not. That. Difficult.

Sometimes, in our heads………we make things larger than they really are. We think that something is hard……..and it makes it hard. When in reality, it really isn’t hard. All we’re doing is eating less. Everything will be okay.

If you’ll just remind yourself of this…….I can promise you being on a diet will feel 100X easier. Don’t stress yourself out! It’s all good.


I hope you enjoyed this article!!!! Thank you SO much for reading my blog. I am super grateful for all of you, and am excited to help in any way I can.

That being said…..

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Again, thank you so much. I hope you found this article helpful.
